Sunday, February 13, 2011

every problem's One solution

This is the busy season for daddy.  He leaves early and comes home late...usually close to midnight.  When his work schedule gets the squeeze, so does mine.  It always reminds me of what a team we make...but that's only after the fact.  Usually during this time, I tend to see only the fact that I am more irritable, fussy, short, etc. with the kids.  My days are longer, the demands are more demanding.  But before the busy-ness started this time around, I listened to that still small voice.  Normally, I tend to get my game face on and tough my way through the task...but it's all in my own strength.  I don't learn anything from the experience.  I mean I don't learn anything where it counts...inside.  But this time, I realized that I'm not taking every opportunity of difficulty to run to God and say, "Lord I submit myself to you.  I need you.  I can't do this on my own.  I want to have a heart change but only you can change my heart if I am open to you doing so.  I want to grow during this time and depend more on you than ever before."  Wow, what a perspective change.  Instead of simply enduring the difficulty, the difficulty is now something that can be used to bring me closer to Him.  I tell the kids "See a problem?  Find a solution."  Well, I need that for myself...I need to remember that any problem I am facing always has only, "The One" solution.

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