Saturday, February 26, 2011

Embrace the Grace...Squash the Fear!

I've had a revelation today.  It's a biggie.  Because big things are happening.  When I say big, it's the feeling that you get when you think of the magnitude of destiny and when you see another puzzle piece fall into place that will get you there.  It's all a journey, of course.  And today, I've had a huge realization.  I am about to embark on something that I've feared since I was a child.  I have tried and failed more times than I care to recall and I've spent too much money, much to my husband's dismay.  ;)   But there was an innate fear in me that I didn't see for what it was.  Fear and hate truly go together.  I never saw that until this second.  As a child I would say, I hate selling.  I pushed my shy, quiet sister when it came time to do school fundraisers...literally pushed her out the car door and sat watching from the safety of my seat belt.  Fear stopped me from selling those little dollar chocolate bars and the hate was my response to the fear.  I have said it countless times, "I HATE selling!"  But I am now seeing the hate stemmed from the fear and it covered the root issue - the fear - so that I never dealt with it.  And the "hate" of selling masked itself as a good thing - I don't like pressuring people.  Doesn't that sound so thoughtful?  We always turn to the good thins so we can ignore the bad.  I hate such and such and all because I'm thinking of other's feelings!  Yeah, right!  Another realization I'm having as I'm writing...I haven't been thinking of others feelings...I've been thinking of my own.  And it all boils down to fear of failure and fear of rejection.  I have seen now that deep down, my fear has been stopping me from reaching my destiny.

As I am embarking on my new mountain climb, I am being forced to see this.  Now I am able to see the root issue and deal with it.  I have been thinking today on a few things.  So many GREAT and successful people all have one thing in common.  If you hear their story, it always started out with something in their childhood that they hated - for John Bevere it was his writing class.  I've heard other great well-known speakers say they hated speaking in public and had severe fears of doing so.  Yet, the very thing they feared was somehow intertwined with their God-given destiny.  So I was talking to Antony today and it all just came out...the fears that I have that stop me from dreaming and stepping out...and then I said, "Destiny, Fear and Grace are all delicately intertwined."  And it all just became so clear to me.  The enemy will do whatever it takes for us to fail at reaching the greatness we are capable of with Christ on the inside of us.  I believe that as children the seeds of fear that are planted in us are directly related to our purpose and that the enemy will plant that fear to stop you from success.  But God in His infinite mercy has added grace to balance out the equation.  And when we embrace the grace, renew our minds and let His dreams for us become our own, the fear is squashed out and we are able to do things we never thought possible.  If there's an area of life you feel you are not exceeding at, look for a root of fear.  If fear was not a part of me today, then I would be successful today in the area I want to succeed in.  But I am not there, so obviously I have been succumbing to fear.  But no longer.  I see it and now I can submit myself daily in this area, lean on God's grace and strength and see His great plan really take shape.  I am not ignoring the fear, and pretending it does not exist.  But now I have a plan of attack. I see it like an old scale - you know the kind old kind of scales they used long ago for gold?  Well, right now, the fear is heaviest and is having greater control over my destiny than faith is.  But as I embrace the grace of God, everyday, sometimes that may mean many times per day, as I get a vision for what I am doing, as I fill myself up with God's love, renew my mind, and take actions steps everyday (faith without works is dead), I will undermine the power I have given that fear and my faith will begin to take on more mass and take it's rightful spot as the leading weight in my life.

This is a big day...because Fear has been found out and it's going down. ("aaarrrggghhh" face!)   :)


  1. Lisa, this is outstanding! What a great revelation and breakthrough you've had today!

    God is definitely doing a great work in you this year...I am SO excitedly looking forward to seeing what He has in store for the near future!

    Good job, the way, I read out loud to daddy. We are both overjoyed for you:)

    Love you heaps!


  2. Oh mom...thanks. I am excited, too. This is the time to truly work the faith - when it's in the face of fear. So I know it will be a testimony of God's beautiful grace. I love you and appreciate your encouragement and support more than you can know. And I love the "heaps" thing...sounds like Naomi! :D

  3. My sister...this is incredible. Go you! How amazing! You have defintiely given me some food for thought - find and extinguish the fear that may be disguised as something else in my life. Thank you for sharing! God has honestly given you such wisdom and such a great gift of writing and communication! I love you!

  4. Lisa! Thank you! What a simple truth that so many people will never realize. This was a well-timed word for me. I've got a big group meeting Tuesday that I've organized at work. I've set a goal this year to work on taking more of a leader/mentor role amongst my co-workers so I'm having a big pow-wow with about 25-30 of us planned and I'm excited but scared at the same time because I can sound motivational in my head but I get so choked up speaking in front of crowds that it comes out nothing like I rehearsed it before ya know? I dont know if this role has a direct relation to my destiny or not, but it certainly is a large fear of mine that I always feel dampers my most excited moments to share my heart with an audience... but what you've said has given me a greater reason to push harder and make sure I reach my goal. Wow, now I wonder what lies on the other side. :o)

    And is it even more interesting that the captcha word this site asked me to type in to be able to post this comment just now was 'habla'. ;o) ha!
