Friday, November 11, 2011

God's Tootsie Roll

I try and limit the kids' candy intake.  I don't deprive, them...necessarily.  But if we do have candy in the house I usually give in to their candy request only after they eat their midday meal.  But a couple hours after breakfast, I had a moment of softness...or weakness, depending on how you look at it.  Jonathon was outside working with his daddy and I went to see how the grease monkeys were getting along.  Jonathon asked me out of the blue if he could have a tootsie roll.  Now, Jonathon is the type of kid that knows how things roll at home.  He is a very by-the-book kind of boy.  He likes to know the rules and endeavors to keep them.  So, when he asked me for a tootsie roll, he asked in such a way that I knew by his facial expression and tone that he "knew" I would say no.  For the fun of it I decided to just break the mold and say yes.  He looked shocked then perplexed and then confused and he asked me again..and I replied in the affirmative...with a grin on my face.  I left the scene and expected him to forget everything he was doing to hunt the candy down.

One hour later, Jonathon found me and he brought up our earlier conversation regarding the tootsie roll.  He wanted to know if I was serious and if he could truly have it.  I was taken aback and a bit hurt by his question and in just a few seconds had a whole bunch of thoughts cross my mind.  I was saddened that he missed the opportunity for a "treat" because he didn't take me at my word - the first time.  And then I thought, how many times do we go back to God asking him if He was serious about His promises.  We bring back the same sin...wondering if He truly forgave it.  Or the same need...wondering if He would truly provide for it.  The God of the universe, whose authoritative words spoke the world into being, whose strong hands shaped us and whose breath gave life, says what He means and means what He says.  And we hear His truths - the shocking, perplexing, amazing, unbelievable truths that are sure to bring sweetness to our lives - and instead of leaving everything behind and receiving that blessing, we come back an hour later and ask Him if He was serious.  How that must hurt His heart.  How could we possibly doubt His love when that is the essence of who He IS?  To doubt His offer is to doubt His Love and even doubt His character.  He laid it all out on the line so we could experience the good life.  And what great proof we have of His astonishingly magnificent love in the gift of Jesus!

God has offered you a tootsie roll...don't question Him and miss out - just take it!

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