Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hello again!

Well,'s been awhile since we had a face to face. So much has happened and I wouldn't be able to put it all down - but the learning curve is what's most important.  God teaches us SO much stuff - if we are open to learn it...and I'm sure there are areas that I am closing and I don't want to truly "see" the things that need to change...but I'm getting there!  I still see so much inside of me that needs many areas where I need to "put on my new nature" (Col. 3 - The kids and I are memorizing scriputre - wow - it's been great!  I love that Keziah is getting it too!).

So...key points - Antony went freelance - HUGE step of faith. We have learned so much - about our marriage (we weren't living in sync with each other...seeing daddy as an "intruder" or "interruption" to our lives/ routine...but we saw it needed changing and although it's so hard to change, it's essential for vibrant growth...I can see how people just want to ignore the problem and keep living the way the samw way b/c it's just easier!  Change is so TOUGH to do), about God's graciousness (in our mistakes, He makes things right), trust in Him as our provider, we've enjoyed free time, pool time and a record breaking hot summer. 

Mary Kay - God taught me how to bring Mary Kay and fit it in our family - through it, the children will see first hand the very things we want to instill in them.  What it means to work hard, set goals, plan, organize, think out of the gbox, how to treat people, how to lead people, how to encourage/motivate/inspire excited that they will have it in front of them so they can learn by watching it being done and being a part of it themselves!  Looking forward to all that God has and is doing in and through me.

Kids:  Marc Alec - getting so big - long curly hair...he is so affectionate - kisses us all the time - and when Kezi cries he goes to show her love...does his cute little hop on foot dance.  We are enjoying them all...Jonathon lost another is so odd to see him growing before my eyes...I am purposefully taking time to enjoy the small moments...Luke is my vibrant life - keeps me on my toes and makes me laugh in spite of everything!!  Keziah is such a sweet princess...and yet tough and 'tudy at times!

Book Club:  I started a book club with some other moms...we are reading "The Mission of Motherhood" first...and we are enjoying it so much.  Reading it makes me remember more often what it is I am doing in the lives o f my children and how huge it is - and how SPECIAL it is! 

Okay then, I think that brings me up to date.  Until next time!

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